Well for what it is worth, 2 points:

(admittedly based on 6 months work with Director 5
years ago)

1. Moving from Fortran, Basic, Pascal (blah, blah,
blah) to Hypercard
    was a fairly smooth process (and hence into
Metacard and Runtime
    Revolution) allowing me to produce something
effective fairly 

2. 5 years ago the EFL department of the University of
the United 
    Arab Emirates (where I was working at the time)
decided to throw 
    out their Macintosh computers and replace them
with Pentium IIIs 
    running  Microsoft Windows 98.

    So I had to dump all my Hypercard stuff and start
to produce for
    Windows - and was set up with TOOLBOOK and

   TOOLBOOK struck me, at the time, as cumbersome,
with none of
   the advantages of Director, nor the simplicity of

   DIRECTOR struck me as Superb!!! capable of
producing things for
   both Mac and Windows that made Hypercard look
fairly second

   However, I found that I sat and stared at DIRECTOR
and its very
   complicated manual for about 2 weeks before I
produced anything
   at all (maybe I am just stupid ???) - a very steep
learning curve indeed
   and very expensive in terms of man-hours.

   I have not looked at anything much apart from RR
and Metacard for
   the last 5 years because I have not needed to.
Certainly my own 
   humble forays into multimedia with RR seem to
indicate that it far 
   outstrips what Hypercard had to offer - admittedly
part of that may
   be down to my G4 rather than the old Performa 5200
I had in the
   UAE. Should I decide to go "all out" for a
   multimedia production I would not both to change
over to Director.
   I would either stick with xTalk or go towards

sincerely, Richmond Mathewon


"Philosophical problems are confusions arising owing to the fluidity of 
meanings users attach to words and phrases."
                                       Mathewson, 2006

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