On Oct 18, 2006, at 12:31 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

The standalone builder doesn't copy the proper theme files to your
standalone (it's a known bug).

Some additional information on this bug. This is what I have found on my machines. If I have just booted my computer and I build a standalone called "My Standalone" do directory "~/My Directory" then all files are successfully copied to the standalone. This operation would create a folder named "~/My Directory/My Standalone". Now, if I delete the folder "My Standalone" and build another standalone than the bug rears its ugly head. If I build another standalone without deleting the folder "~/My Directory/My Standalone" then all files are happily copied over because a brand new directory is created that didn't exist before.

And so it goes for any number of folders it seems. If Rev is creating a folder that existed but was deleted then the file copy bug appears. If it is creating a new folder than everything works.

If you reboot your computer than the whole process everything starts over it seems. I *think* there is a bug in revCopyFile though it may just be an AppleScript bug and revCopyFile exposes it. I'm not sure. I say that because I have an app where we constantly delete a folder created during an export and then export the data again after creating the folder anew. On occasion, revCopyFile would return some random execution error for no reason and refuse to copy files.

Using the ditto from shell seems to fix the problem.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems - www.bluemangolearning.com

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