One catch is that if the user inputs something like "53", the operation must recognize the fact that the "53" in the first two examples is not a
part of the file name, thereby filtering them out, but that "53" is a
part of the file name in the third example, thereby filtering it in.
This is one reason for the exclamation point tokens in vContainer.

Now for that catch:

  put "53" into tSearch
  repeat for each item tItem in tSearch
    replace tItem with "%" & tItem in tFileList
  end repeat
  filter tFileList with "*%*"
  repeat for each line tLine in tFileList
get matchtext(tLine & cr, "((/[^/%]*)%?([^/%]*/[^/%]*)%?([^/%] *))" & cr, tFull, match1, match2, match3)
      if it is true then
        replace tFull with match1 & match2 & match3 in tFileList
      end if
    end repeat
    filter tFileList with "*%*"
    replace "%" with "" in tFileList
   --> do something with  tFileList


well the difficult part is this one:

I am afraid, that's a regular expression. They are handy but they can be quite daunting. Because of the cr that follows the end of the string, this will only match the /<filesize>/<creationdate> parts of the string. tFull will match the biggest parenthesis, then match1/2/3 the small ones.
[^/%] mean any character but / or %.
[^/%]* mean any number of character that match that pattern
%? means try to match a % if you can find one.

by replacing tFull with the set of matches I simply replace the string that includes the % with a string where any % doesn't appear.

Note that this may not work property if you have 53 appearing more than one time in the string.
What you need to do then is transform this:
([^/%]*)%?([^/%]*)+ which means one or more repetitions of that pattern.

Hope this helps,

Marielle Lange (PhD),
Bite-size Applications for Education

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