On the other hand, since Dar's intended audience was us on an xTalk list, surely he might have written:

Yet I might use words in describing a script from among the words of "environment market bid bet ......."



On 27 Oct 2006, at 06:59, Bill Marriott wrote:

What I do want to know is how long it took you to type all those quotation

Isn't it obvious?

on mouseup
  put quote into fld 2
  repeat for each word loadedWord in fld 1
    put loadedWord & quote & comma & space & quote after fld 2
  end repeat
  put empty into char -1 of fld 2
end mouseup

No real xTalk programmer would actually type all those "manually!" ;)

"J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dar Scott wrote:

I fully recognize that some are offended by the use of some words and
respect that.  Indeed, I am offended at times myself, especially by
profane crudity or statist talk. Yet, I might use words in describing a
script, such as "environment", "market", "bid", "bet", "trade",
"privileged", "stasis", "govern", "evolve", "destroy", "clone", "union",
"reproduce", "fidelity", "license", "free", "constrained", "must",
"bind", "advise", "terminate", "close", "stealth", "reject", "mutate", "save", "master", "daughter", "pure", "strict", "container", "box" or "prune", that might offend some person, but the use of those words are
not intended to offend.

...prune? If prune has connotations, I don't think I want to know.

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