Stephen Barncard wrote:
> If anyone on  this list doesn't have this valuable piece of software
> by this time,  they should get it right now if they do any scripting
> at all.

Ken  Ray wrote:
> I wholeheartily agree! My Scrapbook has over 500 entries in  it, and it has
> become an invaluable part of my daily programming  life.
> Oh, and it has the ability to publish entries to a  centralized repository
> that can be retrieved by anyone using Scripter's  Scrapbook; it's a great
> way to "spread the love around."  ;-)

Thank you! Always a pleasure to hear that a piece of work is hitting  the 
spot and empowering people.

Tip: With the latest version there is a  direct web-link from the Home Page 
to a new page of Scripter's Scrapbook  resources. If anyone would like to share 
their user tips, Scrapbook API add-ons,  IAC scripts, useful tutorials or any 
associated articles, do let me know and  I'll put them up there (or a link to 
them, if you prefer). Similarly, do please  post your snippets to the online 
Scrapbook that Ken mentions. It is really  easy using point n' click. In 
short, the Scripter's Scrapbook is a personal  resource but with definite 
and 'community'  overtones!

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