Hi from Paris,

I looked into this forum for some time before chiming in.

I stayed with this forum because I liked what I saw
(even if many of the forum topics go over my head).

I read you religiously every day (and store info that is
in my field of interest).

I have benefitted enormously from this forum because
you guys know so much (and yet I have 30 years of
experience in programming).

I have not often given to this forum because I'm reticent
to offer my limited knowledge (and also very slow on the draw !),
but I hope to remedy this situation ...........

But :  what Heather Says :

This is a warm, helpful, giving community, and one of Revolution's
greatest assets.

is what I see .........    every day ........

Thanks to all for all past (and future) help.


"Nothing should ever be done for the first time !"

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