Works fine on Suse Linux 10 and Rev 2.6.1 - after I reread your mail and actually played it properly and clicked the check marks! You're a lot younger than I imagined you - that picture IS up to date, isn't it??


Richmond Mathewson wrote:
I made a jolly little stack (on a Mac computer),
"Family.rev", to test my kids' knowledge of word such as "aunt", "uncle", "cousin" and so on.

It is available on RevOnline: Family Words

So, took it downstairs and popped it on my Linux boxes
and . . .

dull thud!

an important part of the functionality would not work.

Card 2 features a family tree with 14 text boxes for end-users to fill in with kinship terms [doesn't it sound all pompous and pseudo-academic when I use words like 'end-users' and 'kinship terms' instead of 'kids' and 'family words'? - jargonised nonsense really] and by each textbox there is a 'tick' image - when the kid clicks on it, it checks the content of the textbox and how many other textboxes have had text entered correctly into them; if that total is 14 it send a 'go next' signal.

Worked on Mac,

Nothing doing on Linux.

Help gratefully received, Richmond Mathewson


"Its time to do Philosophy and stop worrying about what dead men said."
           Mathewson 2006

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