Dave said:

In my opinion RunRev should concentrate
on one "Bug-Fix" release and fix as many old bugs as possible without
adding too many (if any) new features. I really think the IDE needs a
big overhaul, since this is the first thing a new user sees.
As I say, I do not experience Revolution as a bug-ridden tool, and I don't see why the IDE needs a big overhaul. I can find you long- standing bugs in Lotus Notes and WebObjects, tools by companies much larger than Runrev.

Since there has been a lot of loud complaining about this in the past few months by several others, maybe such a release is required. It could well be that since I have only been a dabbler in Revolution for the past few years, I haven't been caught by the long-unfixed bugs that people are complaining about. I will repeat what I have said before - because of users moaning about the inadequacies of the documentation Runrev have put a lot of effort into converting what was already excellent documentation - it's now in XMl and in PDF, and there are even beginner's tutorials in both PDF and Video. Runrev also produced a forum because there was plenty of moaning about there being a mailing list but not a forum. (I'm almost tempted to go back over the list archive and see who those people were, to see if they are still around and if they are actually using the forum). There were complaints about the externals interface - it was re-written. I think Runrev have been more responsive than any other development company that I've been involved with. In fact, my belief is that the loud complaints about the documentation in the past were probably unfounded. I actually find myself going back to my install of 2.2.1 to use the documentation because for me that was the high point for the documentation.

It could be that in the attempt to make programming in Rev more accessible they have taken their eyes off the ball WRT to some bug fixes. Or maybe they are hard to fix. I would welcome this great bug-fix version too (even though I obviously live in a parallel - maybe even pollyanna - universe). I understand that other people are probably using Rev far more actively than I have been, and have been feeling some irritation with long-standing bugs. But if you look at the change logs for 2.7.4 you will see that many IDE bugs were fixed.

why doesn't RunRev just license one of the existing 3rd party IDE and
make that the one they ship when you buy a RunRev license?
I like the Revolution IDE. I like it more than the MetaCard IDE. I like it more than Constellation. I haven't even gotten round to trying Galaxy, even though I have a license for it. I like the Rev IDE a darn sight more than Emacs, or Eclipse, or the Domino Designer IDE, or Dreamweaver, or Filemaker, or Wirefusion, or Applescript Studio/XCode. In fact, I think I prefer it to any other IDE. Of course there are some inconsistent behaviours, and it would be nice to have them fixed. But they don't irk me enough to see if they are in bugzilla, and they certainly don't irk me enough to complain to the list.

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