10.3.9 followed by 10.3.10? Not Not 10.4.0? Not 10.3.91?
How much easier to have 10.03009 followed by 10.03010.
Or if it is a more significant update: 10.04000.

One of the biggest advantages of the "point 5" system is the ability to run the same sequence for builds and customer releases. The way I use it: the digits to the left of the decimal are the version; the two digits to the right of the decimal are for customer releases and the last three are for builds (or really minor updates). It is really easy to release a build at any time, it's already numbered!
Paul Looney

Life-long build serialization works fine if you do not create branches of your products. Theoretically, we could be getting further fixes for Rev 2.6 line while 2.7 is already out. Some of the complaints about having to pay for bug fixes with new features evolve around lack of branching with Rev. Or so it seems.

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