
I am writing a program in runrev communicating with an acoustic analyser via 
RS232 (functions properly) and now work in
communicating to a USB relais for regulating the dc in the object we make the 
measurement on.
After reading this message and the docu I am not sure: Can I use USB universal 
serial bus in runrev or not?
The SDKs (dlls, C,C++ and Visual Basic) normally offered with the hardware I 
cannot use in runrev native.
Should I write a Visual Basic wrapper to communicate using the shell?

Any ideas and suggestions?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch

GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
D-94136 Thyrnau
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
Fax +49 (0)8501-8537

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: USB/Serial issue (20-Nov-2006 6:16)
From:    Sarah Reichelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:      use-revolution@lists.runrev.com

> On 11/19/06, J. Landman Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jean-Jacques Wagner can't seem to post to some of the lists he
> > subscribes to, so has asked me to post this for him. He can read your
> > answers, he just can't generate posts right now. I've told him Rev
> > doesn't natively support USB access but it isn't clear to me what he is
> > using as an interface, so maybe someone has comments about the post below.
> >
> > ====
> > Hi
> > I use to write/read string through the USB Port using a FTDI device. It
> > seems to me that the serial port write/read commands does not work as it
> >   should.
> >
> > a) write to USB
> > open driver name for binary update
> > write var to driver  name
> > (read from driver name until empty)
> > close driver name
> >
> > To trigger physically the write data, (so that the chars are
> > electrically sent through the port) I have to follow the write command
> > with a read statement, which is definitely a wrong praxis.
> > Why? Should the var end with a special char to trigger electrically the
> > send command?
> >
> > b) read from USB
> > open driver name for binary update
> > read from driver name until empty
> > close driver name
> >
> > When the string sent to the USB device from the external device is less
> > than 32 chars, then read is returning the whole string. If the string
> > contents more than 32 chars, the first 32 chars are swallowed by
> > revolution and does not appear on the read result. However in some
> > obscure circumstances, which relates to the timing between the time the
> > string is send from the external device and the time the request is send
> > from revolution to read, the hole string is passed to the read result.
> >
> > Does anyone have an idea about this strange but very annoying behavior.
> > OSX ahall have a clean serial port management.
> >
> > I use Mac OSX and 2.7.3.
> > Using a Mac with OS9, HC and the commconnect serial XCMD, the
> > transmission of data to the usb device works perfectly.
> >
> I use the Rev serial commands with an FTDI EasySync adapter all the
> time and it works very well. Do you have the latest drivers from FTDI?
> (They now have universal binaries for Intel as well as PPC Macs).
> What sort of device are you communicating with? Are the serial
> parameters set up correctly for this device?
> My uses don't echo back what is sent, but send a result in response to
> a command, but I have never seen any problems sending without a
> receive.
> If you like to send me an example of your scripts off-list, I'd be
> happy to have a look and see if I can work out what is going wrong.
> Cheers,
> Sarah
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