On Dec 6, 2006, at 1:20 PM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

One of my old chestnuts crops up again:-

The useUnicode property is a common trap, because scripters tend to think that it is more powerful than it actually is. It should really be called the useTwoByteCharsWithCharToNumAndNumToChar property, because it only affects the charToNum and numToChar functions, by having them look at two byte characters instead of single byte characters.

on mouseDown
  set the useUnicode to true
  answer file "CHOOSE A FILE TO IMPORT"
  if the result = "cancel" then exit mouseDown
  put it into NAMESTR
  open file NAMESTR for read
  read from file NAMESTR until EOF
  put it into the field "fENTER"
end mouseDown

open a Bulgarian .txt or .rtf file . . .

Here's what you want to do. First, you have to know how the text file is encoded.

If it's an RTF file you can try using the rtfText property:

answer file "Choose a RTF file."
if it is empty then exit mouseUp
set the RTFText of field "Stuff" to URL ("file:" & it)

Let's assume it's in UTF-16, the most common unicode format, you would do something like this:

  answer file "Choose a unicode file to read in."
  if it is empty then exit mouseUp
  put "binfile:" & it into urlName
  set the unicodeText of fld "display" to url urlName

If the text is UTF-8, a common format on the Web, you would have to encode it to utf-16 upon reading it, like this:

  answer file "Choose a UTF-8 file to read in."
  if it is empty then exit mouseUp
  put url ("binfile:" & it) into tRaw
  set the unicodetext of fld "display" to \

If it's in another encoding it get's dicier, but these techniques are reliable for unicode files.



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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