Hi Dave,

we used Touchscreen Hardware with toolbook and vb.
Any Touchscreen driver I know maps the touch of the user on the screen to the 
mouse signal of the OS
=> the touch is like the click of the mouse (mousedown mouseup xpos and ypos) 
and your runrev program gets the signal like any mousesignal - this is my 
experience. In most cases you can use the touchscreen and the mouse simulaneous 
(but of course the last used gets the control).

You just have to be careful about the accuracy of the users in clicking  ( a 
tolerance of 30 pixel min in x and y direction should be handled through your 
program or the objects to touch on the screen (buttons ...) should be bigger 
than normal.

Avoid to hyperlink small chunks of text as link in fields - very hard to use on 

Regards, Franz
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch

GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
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