I know this issue has been raised in the past, but bring it up once more with 
the hope that someone may have a resolution.   The problem is that after 
using my Mac to create a standalone and then transferring the Windows 
version to a Windows computer, the intial opening screen may open in a 
reasonable time, but on trying to go to the next card with a simple "Go Next" 
there is a significant delay in going to that card.   After going to that 
second card, the program performs quickly in going from card to card.   Why is 
there this delay and how can it be avoided?
It doesn't seen related to whether or not there are any substacks, since the 
problem exists when there are no substacks and also exists when the size of 
the stack is relatively small.
It has been suggested that perhaps it takes some time for the program to 
fully load.   However, I tried the following unsuccessfully:
a. I tried waiting some time before clicking on the "Go Next" button, but 
there still was a delay in going to that second card.
b.   Considering that there may be a delay in loading the program fully until 
one makes the move to that second card, I wrote the following script:

On openStack
set lockscreen to true
go next
go prev
set lockscreen to false
end openStack

However, the delay persists.   Any ideas?   Thanks.
Steve Goldberg
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