--- Horst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Holá SQL-Professionals,
> I´m thinking, how to put a variable Part in the
> SQL-Message of the DB Query
> builder
> f.e.
> Select Landname, Landvorwahl from land_kz where
> Landname BETWEEN "A%" AND
> "¦"  ORDER BY Landname ASC;
> How to put the variable instead of "A%" witch makes
> by the way, no sense.
> Thanks for many good ideas and don´t let me alone
> :-)
> Best regards
> Horst

Hi Horst,

The automated database queries don't currently provide
for a method to place 'variables' inside the SQL

For now the easiest way to achieve dynamic queries is
to save a template query somewhere, and fill in the
dynamic parts, then update the SQL of the query using
the undocumented command "'revSetSQLOfQuery <name of
the query>,<sql statement>".
An example :
on mouseUp
  put "123456" into tCustomerID # or some field data
  put "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customerid='" & \
         tCustomerID & "'" into tSQLStatement
  revSetSQLOfQuery "orders",tSQLStatement
end mouseUp

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

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