this will log all the subsequent queries into a local file C:/outfile.txt: 
tee C:/outfile.txt 
then do: 
SELECT * FROM yourtable 
or alternatively look for mysqldump or mysqlhotcopy in MySQL docummentation.

Best wishes 
-------Original Message------- 
From: jbv 
Date: 1/5/2007 2:33:17 PM 
To: How to use Revolution 
Subject: revDataFromQuery, Rev cgi & mySQL 
Hi list, 
For some reasons too long to explain here, I need to dump 
large amounts of data from a mySQL table to a txt file (for instance 
15 columns for 35000 records that represents about 1.5 Mb). 
I'm using Rev cgi 2.5 and mySQL 3.23. 
I use revDataFromQuery which happens to be VERY slow 
(about 20 sec to get 1.5 Mb of data from mySQL)... 
I was wondering if there was any way to speed up such data 
transfer between mySQL and Rev cgi, or may be to send to 
mySQL (may be via the shell) an SQL request to dump the 
content of some columns of a table into a txt file that could be 
opened later from Rev cgi... 
Any help on this domain would be greatly apreciated... 
Thanks in advance, 
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