Sorry if this question has been asked before (I suspect it might have been), but a quick answer from somebody could be quicker than searching.

I have a single word (e.g. robert) in a field "test".
The whole word is in the Courier font, but the middle 2 letters are of a size different to the others.

I am doing something like this in the field's coding:

on mouseMove
 if the selectedText is not empty then
   put the textFont of the selectedText into field "result"
 end if
end mouseMove


on mouseMove if the selectedChunk is not empty then
   put the textFont of the selectedChunk into field "result"
 end if
end mouseMove

If I select the whole word in field "test", instead of "courier" in the field "result" I get "mixed". But it is the SIZE that is mixed, NOT the font name!

I am using Rev 2.6.1.
Am I doing something silly, or is this a known error?
If it is a known error, is there a workaround?
Has it been fixed in Rev 2.7?

Thanks in advance for your patience.


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