On Jan 20, 2007, at 4:57 PM, Phil Davis wrote:

Mark Wieder wrote:
Saturday, January 20, 2007, 6:57:21 AM, you wrote:
'avoid time wasting confusion', then why even allow controls or objects with
the same name?
Yep - this has bothered me for a long time, too. I'd certainly support a referendum to disallow objects with the same name, but I'm afraid it
would break backward compatibility. VB supports object instancing in
the form of group "America"[2], but I don't care much for the syntax.
But the same-named object thing can sometimes be used to advantage. Consider this:

on mouseUp
  put the groupIDs of this cd into tGroupList
  repeat for each line tTargetID in tGroupList
    switch (short name of grp id tTargetID)
    case "Section"
      doSectionStuff tTargetID
    case "Page"
      doPageStuff tTargetID
    case "Chapter"
      doChapterStuff tTargetID
    end switch
  end repeat
end mouseUp

I use Phil's suggested strategy - of having multiple objects with the same name, and using the name as a kind of visible and easily scriptable 'type' property - all the time. I find it a great convenience. In addition, when I deploy compound objects that I want to update and refine (like Chipp's AltFldHeader), I append a suffix to the control name of each instance, e.g. MyComplexGroup_1, and update the groups with a utility script that locates and replaces all the groups in a project stack. The tricky part was getting the layer right, preserving the size, and transferring custom properties. But now that the work is done, I just click a button in the stack where I develop the group and presto! all instances are updated.

It does take a bit of discipline though, to be strict about naming.

I too long for the day when we have real custom controls!


Tereza Snyder

   Califex Software, Inc.

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