Hi Jacque,

If you're concerned about RAM usage, you could use the open/read/close file approach and compress the file into the custom props of a stack 100K or so at a time, and save the stack when done. Then to decompress, reverse the process - decompress one custom prop at a time (in the same order as compressed, of course) and write it after a new file.

I'm assuming this approach would be easier on RAM, but haven't verified it. Also, by using a 'send.. in 0 secs' approach to compress each file segment, you can make the process play nice with UI activity.

food for thought -
Phil Davis

J. Landman Gay wrote:
I need to compress large-ish files, around 50-100 megs each. I wonder if anyone knows whether zip or gz format is easier on RAM. Is it correct that both methods require about double the amount of RAM as the file size? Is one preferable over the other under low memory conditions? Are there any other considerations when choosing between the two?

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