On an SE30, Switcher was awesome. In those days, without the Internet and mail lists, each of us had to feel as if we were the only Mac users in the world. Of course we had the occasional MUG meetings, but I always found them to be a waste of time, since I had so much to give, and got so little in return. The tables are turned now. Thank you all! I think my <www.Macinstruct.com> Code Mojo column tomorrow will be interesting if not earth shattering. By lurking on this list, I even picked up a couple of useful handlers and some assistance that saved me a while "searching" documentation that I, regretfully, find erratic at best. I had hoped some of it would be fixed with the 2.8 release, but not so! For me, I think my biggest kick came when I discovered the things I could do wit ResEdit.

Joe Wilkins

On Feb 20, 2007, at 8:12 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:


I'm running Parallels in Coherence mode, and it's pretty much a full
blown religious experience. Can't figure out if I'm using Windows or
Mac. When I open my Windows apps, they pop up and look like windows,
when I do the same for Mac it looks like Mac.

I'll be getting a huge headache very soon now, but until then I can
actually say I've witnessed a miracle. Haven't been this wowed since
my first peek at beta version of SuperCard 1.0 -- or was it my first
Newton...no, it was Switcher (anyone remember what Switcher was?)

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