I need a handler to convert a Rev date into ISO 8601?

From my library I have a rough and ready one to go the other way round:

on date_Convert8601 @revisionDate
   -- was "date_ConvertT"
   replace "T" with return in revisionDate
   put line 1 of revisionDate into someDate

   put line 2 of revisionDate into someTime
   put last char of someTime into timeZoneThing
   delete last char of someTime

   replace "-" with comma in someDate

   set the itemdelimiter to "."
   put item 1 of someTime into colonTime
   put item 2 of someTime into colonSeconds
   replace ":" with comma in colonTime

   set the itemdelimiter to comma
   put someDate into someDateItems
   put colonTime into item 4 of someDateItems

   put 0 into item 7 of someDateItems

   convert someDateItems to internet date
   delete word -1 of someDateItems
   convert someDateItems to internet date
   put someDateItems into revisionDate
end date_Convert8601

But seem to have lost the other side of the equation ")
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