On 8 Mar 2007, at 15:37, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Dave wrote:
On 7 Mar 2007, at 18:14, J. Landman Gay wrote:
One advantage to entering the report yourself is that you will get emails as your bug progresses through the system so that you are kept informed. If an RR employee enters the bug for for you, they will get the emails instead. Another reason to enter it yourself is that the report will be filed immediately. If the support team does it for you, it may wait in a queue until someone has time to enter it. Eventually it will get entered though.
I'll enter it as soon as I can log on. My point is that for a 5 minute job of changing the docs is greatly extended thus wasting resources.

It took me less than a minute to copy-and-paste your last suggestions into a new BZ report.

I wasn't so much thinking how long it would take me to fill in the report, as I've said over and over again I'll fill it out once I get home at the weekend.

I was more thinking about the others that would waste time considering whether or not to vote for it, plus the wasted time for the people at RunRev to look at it in the database and schedule it in or whatever they do, when in this and other cases like it (of which there are quite a few) where all that is needed is a few lines added to a text file and it doesn't affect the main RR application then it could just be done there are then, thus cutting out a lot of needless red tape. This would also have the benefit that the online help would more helpful more quickly and also help to show that things were improving.

Anything beyond that, like the hour+ you've spent here on this one, is your own choice.

Yes, I agree, my own choice and thank you for recognizing that choice.

All the Best

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