I think I would have script locals to hold the names of source and
destination files, and then simply write to the destination file each
time new data is read, closing it only when finished:
local sSourceFile
local sDestFile
on run
open file sDestFile for update
end run
on nextUpdate
put char 5 to 8 (or whatever) of URL("file:" & sSourceFile) into
write tData to file sDestFile
if (your exit condition) then
send "nextUpdate" to me in 300 milliseconds
end if
end nextUpdate
on endProcess
close file sDestFile
end endProcess
You get the idea...
On 9 Mar 2007, at 21:22, David Glasgow wrote:
I plan to time it all with a 'send doit to me in tmills
milliseconds' but I go a bit vague beyond that. Any suggestions
about how to do the read-append as efficiently as possible?
Should I try to read the specific bytes I want, or read and append
the lot, then pick out the parts I want later? It may be a dumb
question, but if the source file is in the same directory as the
growing destination file, is it quicker than if the destination
file is 'way over there' buried 6 deep in a different directory?
Does an append get slower the larger the destination file becomes?
Finally, what is the most efficient way of making the data read
conditional? I had thought about putting a 'repeat while'
somewhere, but I am not sure where.
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