Mark Wieder wrote:


Well, for one, "mount" doesn't appear to be a valid command to
smbclient. You should try this in a shell window first, get it
working, then try it from rev. My guess is you'll also have to put
username%password info into the commandline as well. Try smbclient -?
for the available options.

This is what I reported in my post on 18th February (see the "Samba lessons 
needed" thread):

In the Ubuntu terminal, the following works perfectly and I get a listing of my Windows drive:

smbclient \\\\john\\c mount
(CTRL+Z exits Samba) - QUIT works too.

So if "mount" isn't a valid command, somebody had better tell smbclient!
Possibly, smbclient -? for the available options is out of date.

>Secondly, I don't really think smbclient is something that you'd want
running as a process, unless you've got something really wild in mind.
I'm not an expert on this by any means, but my understanding is that
"open process" is for something you want running in the background, as
on a server, as a daemon for other processes to communicate with. If
you just want to grab a directory listing or file off an smb server
then try the shell() function instead.
No, all I want to do is to grab a directory listing off my smb server.

>put "smbclient \\\\john\\c -Wworkgroup -Uuser%password -cdir" into \
put shell(procToDo) into field "test"
Naturally, I tried SHELL first, but couldn't get it to work. Of course, the fact that I am almost entirely ignorant of how to do anything through the terminal probably doesn't help! (It smells too much like DOS for my taste.) Anyway, here goes with your suggested experiment.................:

Domain=[JOHN] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
 Animated GIFs                       D        0  Thu Nov  9 15:52:31 2006
 Arrows ico                          D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:40:06 2006
 Arrows wmf                          D        0  Thu Nov  9 15:52:02 2006
 AUTOEXEC.BAT                        A        0  Wed Sep 20 22:32:20 2006
 BobIcons                            D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:41:36 2006
 BobSite                             D        0  Tue Jan 16 02:37:45 2007
 boot.ini                           HS      194  Wed Sep 20 22:28:04 2006
 BRAZDOC                             D        0  Tue Jan 16 02:35:19 2007
 Brazil Webpage                      D        0  Tue Oct 17 12:52:08 2006
 CD Labels                           D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:42:00 2006
 CDCovers                            D        0  Tue Mar 13 18:23:39 2007
 Cleanup.txt                         A     3485  Mon Aug 16 13:51:54 2004
 Config.Msi                          D        0  Sun Jan 28 21:11:21 2007
 CONFIG.SYS                          A        0  Wed Sep 20 22:32:20 2006
 Denis                               D        0  Mon Mar 12 13:57:05 2007
 devicetable.log                     A    23734  Tue Mar  6 12:35:33 2007
 Documents and Settings              D        0  Wed Sep 20 22:37:19 2006
 Email Thunderbird 20_09_2006        D        0  Thu Sep 21 03:29:48 2006
 Envelop                             D        0  Tue Dec 12 01:09:49 2006
 flavio                              D        0  Thu Nov  2 21:20:10 2006
 Fotos do natal 25 12 06             D        0  Wed Jan  3 17:18:55 2007
 Francis                             D        0  Wed Feb  7 18:51:54 2007
 functions.txt                       A       25  Fri Feb 16 15:09:03 2007
 H.GIF                               A    17990  Wed Nov 19 09:23:46 1997
 howsoft                             D        0  Thu Feb  8 20:31:09 2007
 Howsoft Graphics                    D        0  Mon Mar  5 20:43:43 2007
 howsoft_website_backup CURRENT      D        0  Wed Nov 29 14:24:32 2006
 howsoft_website_backup OLD          D        0  Thu Sep 21 17:12:56 2006
 howsoft_website_backup UPLOADS      D        0  Mon Mar  5 21:19:35 2007
 howsoft_website_backup WORK         D        0  Mon Mar  5 21:00:11 2007
 Ilse Old Pendrive Data              D        0  Fri Dec 22 22:21:09 2006
 Ilse ORIGINAL Pendrive Data         D        0  Sun Feb 25 18:26:22 2007
 Ilse Pre Ubuntu                     D        0  Sat Sep 23 13:51:25 2006
 Ilse Pre Ubuntu SEM ELZA            D        0  Sat Sep 23 15:08:53 2006
 Ilse Textos                         D        0  Sat Sep 23 18:49:24 2006
 INNO Setups                         D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:41:09 2006
 IO.SYS                           AHSR        0  Wed Sep 20 22:32:20 2006
 Lian Gong                           D        0  Fri Feb  9 14:49:37 2007
 LINUX Email Backup                  D        0  Fri Mar  2 11:48:19 2007
 Midi                                D        0  Mon Jan  8 03:16:38 2007
 Misc                                D        0  Mon Mar  5 20:42:54 2007
 MP3                                 D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:50:42 2006
 MSDOS.SYS                        AHSR        0  Wed Sep 20 22:32:20 2006
 Music                               D        0  Tue Jan 16 04:17:02 2007
 New Computer Icons                  D        0  Thu Nov  9 15:54:56 2006
 NTDETECT.COM                     AHSR    45124  Thu Aug 23 09:00:00 2001
 ntldr                            AHSR   222368  Thu Aug 23 09:00:00 2001
 P76_a39x.tmp                        A      550  Fri Feb 16 14:22:22 2007
 pagefile.sys                      AHS 1610612736  Wed Mar 14 10:58:00 2007
 park                                D        0  Fri Feb 16 14:35:28 2007
 Park Cleanup Instructions.txt       A      118  Wed May  2 13:43:28 2001
 PARKLimpezaEDesinstalacao.exe       A    73728  Wed May  2 14:49:48 2001
 parkprog                            D        0  Fri Feb 16 15:10:28 2007
 Photos Misc                         D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:44:40 2006
 Program Files                      DR        0  Wed Mar 14 10:58:05 2007
 RECYCLER                          DHS        0  Thu Sep 21 00:22:07 2006
 S190_306.X0T                        A        7  Fri Feb 16 14:53:15 2007
 shit                                D        0  Tue Jan  9 01:12:16 2007
 shit 88                             D        0  Tue Mar 13 20:28:40 2007
 shit 99                             D        0  Tue Mar 13 20:28:55 2007
 shit SPECIAL                        D        0  Wed Mar  7 23:34:10 2007
 Sounds                              D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:52:09 2006
 SpamGobbler Current                 D        0  Tue Nov 21 00:15:48 2006
 Stars                               D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:52:09 2006
 Studio Construction 18              D        0  Tue Jan  9 20:42:06 2007
 Studio Construction 19              D        0  Thu Jan 11 21:55:47 2007
 SuperParkLastUndo.TXT               A        6  Fri Feb 16 15:09:22 2007
 SuperParkRedeLigado.txt             A        5  Fri Feb 16 15:09:05 2007
 SuperParkUndoOptions.txt            A       15  Fri Feb 16 14:16:34 2007
 System Volume Information         DHS        0  Wed Sep 20 22:35:23 2006
 SYSTEM.SAV                          D        0  Wed Sep 20 23:27:08 2006
 Tabwin                              D        0  Thu Nov  9 15:50:34 2006
 testpics                            D        0  Thu Nov  9 15:51:38 2006
ubuntu reformed slideshow image work D 0 Thu Sep 21 18:51:40 2006
 Ucinet 6                            D        0  Sat Sep 23 16:26:55 2006
 udog13.prt                          A        5  Fri Feb 16 14:50:30 2007
 wallpapers                          D        0  Sun Mar  4 19:13:30 2007
 WINDOWS                             D        0  Fri Feb 16 14:14:00 2007
 WUTemp                              D        0  Wed Sep 20 22:55:56 2006
 _Downloads                          D        0  Mon Dec 18 19:31:50 2006
 _Downloads OLD                      D        0  Thu Sep 21 03:26:05 2006
 _Downloads VERY OLD                 D        0  Fri Sep 22 20:48:18 2006
 _English Accounts                   D        0  Tue Mar 13 14:24:29 2007
 _English Accounts  SHIT             D        0  Tue Jan 23 21:03:43 2007
 _English accounts backup            D        0  Mon Mar 12 13:30:43 2007
 _English accounts backup2           D        0  Mon Mar 12 13:30:50 2007
 _Homepage OLD                       D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:33:56 2006
 _Park Specialization                D        0  Thu Sep 21 03:07:55 2006
 _PhotoCat Scanning Project          D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:51:08 2006
 _Proj_2006_C                        D        0  Thu Sep 21 03:03:27 2006
 _Proj_2006_D                        D        0  Thu Sep 21 03:01:28 2006
 _Proj_2006_E                        D        0  Sun Oct 15 02:15:57 2006
 _Proj_2007_A                        D        0  Mon Feb 19 15:43:47 2007
 _Purchased Software and Hardware      D        0  Wed Dec 13 02:22:56 2006
 _Rebol                              D        0  Sun Oct  1 20:17:34 2006
 _Rebol OLD                          D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:56:55 2006
 _SVG                                D        0  Thu Sep 21 18:38:19 2006
 __English Correction                D        0  Tue Mar  6 14:49:24 2007

       38170 blocks of size 2097152. 12445 blocks available

Just to let you see the beauty of it, that's my drive listing. Congratulations!
(Try to ignor the various flavours of "shit" in the directories).
QED, and thank you very much indeed!

Hopefully, another technical wizard will be able to tell me whether it is possible or not to print Portuguese text from Rev/Linux 2.6.1. The question is simple enough anyway!

Jacque: It was indeed tempting to comment on the pun contained in your idea of trying to avoid "bugging" the Rev techies if possible, but at this stage of the proceedings I'm too afraid even to joke about it!


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