Hi Joe,

A few weeks back I broached that very issue. Or, maybe, even more ambitiously, about the total scope of available resources for RunRev.

Can you point me to this post... I am afraid, I don't find the time to read each single post on this list.

It had become pretty obvious to me that there are just tons and tons of materials, suggestions, approaches, et. out there, but the newbie to Rev has got to be bewildered.

I do my best to provide such a list at:
<http://revolution.widged.com/wiki/tiki-index.php? page=RevolutionWebsites>
<http://revolution.widged.com/wiki/tiki-index.php? page=RevolutionSnippetStacks>

there is dmoz directory, where persons can add mention of their website
Richard has a similar list:

And oh, as pointed by mblackman on the forums:
"There is a good list of sites in the documentation but it doesn't pop out at you. Go to documentation, click on the Search button at the right hand side, in the window that pops up click on 'web database' which pops up a menu, choose 'Go to' and presto there's a list. Maybe they should make this easier to find !"

Then the problem I experienced is that if a link gets outdated, they don't get changed. I signaled that the lexicall.org link was not valid a while ago (replaced by widged.com about a year ago). I was told that the change would take place in the next version. The next version comes. No change.

I don't mind the place where this information appears being revolution. What I do mind however is that this is a place where information can be kept up to date, with the responsibility for this being shared by various persons rather than it being a single person effort.

When I was working heavily with FutureBasic, I was pushing for the design of a few really good templates to be used by newbies of FB a starting point. We even did a few; and, except for its Mac only capabilities, FB is the best, fastest and easiest there is. Lots of it are in assembly language, and like this list, the FB lists are impressive, though not as "hurried".

You see, the big problem is that I am about to reply to this post on the forums <http://forums.runrev.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=650> "Help! I've built an application in Enterprise (2.7.1 build 236) booting up in OSX on an external drive - everything is fine, including the custom Image Library I created to hold about thirty icons used by my application's buttons. "

I have already replied to this type of question 3-5 times over the past 2 years. That's really a "classical one".

meaning that an evaluation of the available resource when pursuing a specific type of design, plus a heads up with respect to the potential gotchas, is probably a better approach. Break down the kinds of things that might be attempted by someone, and they outline an approach that they might use to achieve those ends. I don't think there is a lot of new ground that would have to be broken, just guidance as to where to look for an specific challenge; since you can spend a lifetime reading all the stuff that is available, but not really find the things that a person might need at the time. I'm just running off at the mouth, so excuse me. I know you understand, probably far better than I do.

That was expressed far better than I would have been able to ;-).

Various things I was thinking about :

1. Book formats

Wicked cool?

Demo chapter for Wicked java
Wicked cool shell scripts
Wicked cool perl scripts

Phrase Book?

PHP Phrasebook (Sample Chapters)


PHP Hacks (Sample Hacks)

2. Design Patterns

Design Patterns / Interface Design?

Ajax Design Patterns (Sample chapter, pdf)

Designing Interfaces

3. Benchmarking data

See this forum post by Richard,
as an excellent example.

I'm actually having to take an hiatus from my column on Revolution there; perhaps for as long as a couple of months.

That's the same for me. I can contribute time and effort. However, I cannot do that continuously over a year period. Hence the idea of going for a structure which allows for different persons to take responsibility for this.

With FB, I tried to recruit a team to work with me on the "template" approach, and got a few takers, but ended up doing most of it myself. I assume it would be the same here, and I don't currently have the free time to take somethng like this on. Much as I would love the challenge.

Well, that has been my experience of open source and community initiatives so far. Many persons are interested in benefitting of the result of your work. Many persons are enthusiastic at the start. But well, with time, you end up being the one paying for the webserver and doing all the work yourself ;-).

Of interest. I am having a parallel discussion with Bill Griffin, of igames3D. I will take the time to describe the outcome of this discussion in more details next week.

We are thinking of creating a website to support persons interested in games (serious gaming, advergaming, games for learning). One of the idea I have had in that context is to set up some section "rent an elearning developer" and "rent an animator". More generally, what I am keen on is building bridges so to allow faster and easier access to the huge amount of resources that already exist for both teachers and learners.

The big problem, however, is the one highlighted above. If I start this, I will have plenty of persons very enthusiastic about this and encouraging me to go ahead. But in 3-6 months time, I will be mostly alone to take care of everything.

I am trying to find ways to secure the participation of persons, to give them a reason to contribute (good visibility in some tutorial section is good credentials when persons have to decide whether to hire you as a developer".

Persons who would be interested in discussing this kind of idea in order to get something started that would be sustainable and successful are invited to take contact with me.

Rather than go madly on all fronts, I would prefer to select a few number of initiatives or to associate with persons who are ready to take responsibility for a given sector/area... such that again, we avoid the duplication of resources and efforts.


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