> Phil Davis wrote:
> One thing you might find helpful is the 'start' Help info. 

Yes, I have done that.  What it indicates is that /B is an optional
argument to start that starts an application without creating a new
window.  But what is not clear is, which of the two lines where 'start'
is used actually get the argument, and how is the full line supposed to

>>   put "start /MAX C:\foo.html > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom       
>>   set the hideConsoleWindows to true 
>>   get  "start cmd /c"  && quote & MyCom & quote      
>>   get shell(it)

Some things I have tried for line 1 that do not work
put "start /B /MAX C:\foo.html > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom
put "start /MAX /B C:\foo.html > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom
put "start C:\foo.html  /MAX /B > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom        
put "start /b /MAX C:\foo.html > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom
put "start /MAX /b C:\foo.html > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom
put "start C:\foo.html  /MAX /b > C:\foo.txt" into MyCom        

and some attempts at line 3
get  "start cmd /c /b"  && quote & MyCom & quote
get  "start cmd /b /c"  && quote & MyCom & quote
get  "start cmd /c /B"  && quote & MyCom & quote
get  "start cmd /B /c"  && quote & MyCom & quote

As you can tell, I am aimlessly trying to pin a tail on the donkey.

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