J. Landman Gay wrote:

Bill Marriott wrote:
It appears that only the letters a,b,c,d,e,f, and x operate the way you are expecting.

on mouseUp
    repeat for each char x in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    put "111" & x into wholeThing
    put ">" & token 1 of wholeThing & "<" & return after fld 1
    end repeat
end mouseUp

   put token 1 of "s800"
...returns "s800", but this:

   put token 1 of "800s"
...returns "800".

So it's hex. Not sure where the "x" fits in though.

If it's hex, then the number really isn't a separate part of the string. So I can see why those are treated differently, but I don't believe they're treated correctly.

Why should "s" be parsed as a separate "token" from the numeric portion if it trails or is anywhere in the middle, but only if it's at the beginning then it's considered a part of the alphanumeric string? :\

Unless someone can come up with a good reason why this is what one should expect I'll log it as a bug tomorrow.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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