On 21 Mar 2007, at 15:28, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Dave wrote:
If I were selling a product like RunRev and I did not have the resources to test it on all the Platforms it shipped on, then I would say that in all my advertising and on my web site etc. etc. etc. What I wouldn't do is to not say a word anywhere and continue to advertise like all platforms are fully tested. To me that is dishonest and unprofessional.

I suppose it would be, but that has nothing to do with what I wrote.

Let me refresh your memory:

   I'm glad you recognize that it's up to us to test
   the specific implementations we use Rev for.  The
   combinatorial explosion of all possible uses would
   make it impossible for RunRev to do that.

We are talking at cross purposes. Let me refresh your memory:

Dave wrote:

All I know is that if I were to write something like this (a file/ image data exporter) then once I'd got it working past the the point where I could write an image file in all the different formats then I'd run a soak test on it and let it run for *loads* of (like 10,000 +) of iterations and I would have checked that memory was being released. In fact I wrote an external command module that does something similar (it analyzes movie frames) and I *did* soak test it and I *did* find memory leaks.
For me, this is software engineering 101.

Richard wrote:
And it turns out that you did write an image exporter, and did run it through a soak test. Good job.

You are talking about beta testing, I was talking about testing your code after developing it. As an example:

I wrote a module that does things with movies and/or images. There are two parts to this, the RunRev "Test" Script and the C/C++ External. Since I am working with Movies and Images, this means there is a lot of memory being allocated and therefore a chance that a memory leak will occur. Over a period of a day or two I develop the C/ C++ code and the Test Script together. At some point I get to the stage where I am Read/Writing/Analyzing a Movie/Image. As soon as I get to this stage, I then soak test the C/C++ Command Handler. I do this by testing it processing many thousands (like 10,000+) of Movies/ Files.

What I was saying is that the code I wrote was very similar to the "export snapshot" command both in terms of usage (it uses a lot RAM) and in terms of development both have a C/C++ core and a RunRev script.

Obviously this type of testing wasn't performed on the export snapshot command. That was what I meant. In my case it was for Mac only, but in the past I have developed both for Mac and Windows and in the case I would soak test it on Mac and at least one version of Windows before checking it in and before it even got as far as QA and Beta Testing.

Your comment about expecting payment for testing was equally snarky:

RunRev can help by having Beta cycles whose length is more in keeping with industry norms, but the actual testing can't be done by them; there are just too many possibilities.

I'd be happy to test it for them. How much are they paying?

Not sure what snarky means!

As I said I wasn't talking about beta testing, I was talking about first level soak testing after you have got a part of your code working. In the case where I don't have enough time to do this myself I employ someone I trust and have worked with in the past to do it.

All the Best

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