:) ok....

Guys... you heard the man...

I think you've both made your point/s, as thoroughly as is reasonably possible. Its been an interesting discussion. Let this be the last data point, please. Shake hands and agree to differ amicably.

Warm Regards,


Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager and Listmom
Runtime Revolution Ltd

On 23 Mar 2007, at 14:37, Stephen Barncard wrote:



Dave continued:

However stress testing is not an accomplishment at all it's really easy, that's why I really can't see why you are going on about it, I do it without even thinking about it! In fact I was absolutely gobsmacked that you were surprised that this was my way of working.

and we look forward to URLs of the products you ship so we can all learn how to improve the quality of our own work.

Now you're just being silly! How will looking at the products I have worked on help you learn how to improve the quality of your own work? Besides which unless you just happen to have £50,000+ worth of video equipment lying around it wouldn't do you much good!

And Apart from all that - I've told you how to do it already!

Take Care and All the Best


Heather Nagey
Customer Services Manager
Runtime Revolution Ltd

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