Peter Alcibiades wrote:

What we really like about Linux (as distinct from Ubuntu) is that you are not handed an expertly packaged user experience, and we are increasingly bothered by the perception of Ubuntu as the answer, when it is in fact only one of half a dozen equally valid answers.

I can understand this. But it does pose a problem for those who want to release apps for Linux. What, in general, should the Rev developer aim for? For example, I just ran one of my stacks in Ubuntu and the fonts I'd assigned were all wrong. If every Linux user is running a different distro, are there any ways to make our stacks look at least somewhat decent on anyone's machine? Any suggestions about this?

So don't, whatever you do, think that all you have to do to support Linux or get it, is run Ubuntu. Especially not virtually. You will be missing the heart of the matter.

Except for the crashing, where Parallels goes down in flames, the distro seems to run idenically as it would on a non-virtualized box. I'm not sure what would be different (but maybe you know.)

I get your point about not equating Ubuntu with Linux though. That does make sense.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |
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