The thing to understand first is the environment in which almost all the other
applications on a Linux system have been written.

They will almost all, unlike yours, be Open Source.  Many will have been
written in either the Gnome or the KDE development environments.  Even if
written in other environments, they will use open source components.  If
written in Python or other popular languages they will probably use the KDE
or Gnome bindings.  They will then often take their look and feel from the
Gnome or KDE desktop settings.

Hi Peter,

Many thanks for taking the time to enlighten those of us to whom Linux
is still an unknown. However this bit confuses me. I had assumed that
when you compiled an app for Linux it contained no specific UI so it
just adopted the look & feel of the user's system, whether KDE, Gnome
or whatever. You are saying that apps are built with links to a single

How does Rev fit into this? Do Rev apps for Linux include links to a
specific environment?

And I guess the most important question for those of us who are not
Linux experts but would like to  make Linux versions of our apps
available: what would you recommend as the best distro for testing if
we can only test on one?

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