I have a project that requires one screen or one card to be exported as a RTF file. Since this is not possible at this time in Rev, I created a template in the Pages word processor of the card that I want to export and saved it as Template.rtf. Then I use symbols such as a 1#, 2#, 3#,. etc., in the template for each occurrence of a score that will be inserted from Rev. I have 81 occurrences of scores. The following script does not work for one occurrence. The template.RTF file is in the same directory as my Rev stack file and I am using Rev 2.7.4 with OS 10.4.8. I added a field "new" to see what was going on in the script. Nothing appears in the field "new" when I run the handler.

on mouseUp
  put URL "file:template.rtf" into tRTFdata
  replace "#1" with the htmltext of field "vmiFld" in tRTFdata
  put tRTFdata into field "new"
end mouseUp

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Charles Szasz

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