Dave Cragg wrote:

On 27 Mar 2007, at 15:00, David Bovill wrote:
NB - is there a rhyme and a reason to when to use CR and when CRLF - it
seems pretty well interchangeable on a Linux server, are there any "buts"?
Sam goes with using "write buffer to stdout" or just "put buffer" - any
actual differences?

The http spec calls for crlf, but it seems Apache is very nice and changes from cr to crlf when sending the response to the client. I don't think all servers do this.

Actually, I think it is Rev that does this, just as it changes line endings in imported text files and across platforms in stacks.

I've never used anything but cr, and it always works.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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