
Another way is to just put all images in a category into a Group, then to access the images do something like:

repeat with myIndex= 1 to the number of images in group "ThumbGroup"
  set the threeD of image myIndex of  group "ThumbGroup" to true
end repeat

Just change the layer (in the IDE) of the images in the group so they are in the order you want them in.

All the Best

On 19 Apr 2007, at 10:57, Ian Wood wrote:

I second Eric's suggestion. It also comes in handy for keeping track of images/objects for different purposes, e.g. "thumb1", "main2", "preview3", "temp4" etc.

Looping through and deleting all the 'temp' images then becomes very easy.


On 19 Apr 2007, at 10:51, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Name each image with a name followed by a numeric suffix: "img1'.

repeat with i = 1 to the number of imgs
  if the threeD of img ("img" & i) then etc.
  -- just an example :-)
end repeat

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