
In my opinion as a very long time user of a great many different programs, I believe handling it as you have with a ReadMe instruction, is probably the best method. I have encountered a few programs that automatically make the change "for me", and I've always hated it. I prefer to be in control - ALWAYS - since there can be other things affected by a change in resolution beyond what the programmer may have taken into consideration. Remember, just because your program is opened, that doesn't mean the user will stay there until they close it.

Another approach would be to check the resolution on startup and provide a dialog informing the user to make the change. At this point the dialog could allow to stop the program and do the change themselves, or to continue and have the resolution changed for them. This would be acceptable. Of course, if the resolution IS the desired one, no dialog would appear in the first place.

Joe Wilkins

On Apr 21, 2007, at 7:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry if I may have missed this topic in a previous forum. I'd appreciate any help on the following question: The standalones that I am creating require a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher to properly fit on the screen. Since some people may have their monitors set to a lower resolution, I've been including a "ReadMeFirst" file explaining the need for them to reset their monitors to the higher resolution. Is there a way within Revolution to automatically set the resolution to 1024x768 (and then convert it back to the original
resolution when the standalone closes)?
I've been finding Revolution enormously helpful in preparing programs in medical education. At this time all the CDs in my company (MedMaster) are in Revolution. There are a few free downloads on the MedMaster web site if anyone
is interested.   Thanks very much.
Steve Goldberg, MD, President
MedMaster Inc

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