Thanks for the observation, Jim. That was kind of what I thought might be possible, but not being familiar with Flash at all, had no idea exactly how it might be used. Is Flash expensive?


On May 6, 2007, at 10:41 AM, Jim Ault wrote:

On 5/6/07 10:01 AM, "Joe Lewis Wilkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just curious as to what kind of drawings you CAN do with Flash.

My take is that it would not really good for the architectural tools you are used to, Joe. Not even close to Dreams, or the like. Old versions of Flash have a quite different way of working with drawing objects. Takes getting
used to, and layer management is essential, but weak.

Flash does have some amazingly good algorithms for rendering. You might think more about exporting from a good drawing program, then importing into Flash. Now you can apply Flash tools to get something that will render

You could do a special effect of a before-home and an after-remodel where
Flash does all the 'tweening' calculations to animate the change!

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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