On Mon, 14 May 2007 13:04:49 +0100, David Bovill wrote:

> Does anyone know exactly what the convert is doing with the times? I
> modified Kens code so it also returns the best guess date as well as working
> out the month and year - that is if there is no exact match it return s the
> last day of that month....

All I can say is "don't worry about it"... As of Rev 2.8.1 if you 
convert a date without a time to a format that includes the time, it 
will always be 12:00 AM. Prior to 2.8.1, it was trying to take into 
account daylight savings time with a default time of 2:00am, 
adding/subtracting an hour to compensate. Glad that's gone in 2.8.1...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
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