
On second thought, the user probably releases the control key right after the mousedown. So, you might want to use the mouseDown handler only.

on mouseDown
  if the controlKey is down then
    -- do stuff
    wait 200 with messages
    if the mouse is up then
      -- run "mouseup" script
    end if
  end if
end mouseDown

This could be a better way to do it.

Alternatively, you can check out the flushEvents function. If you don't want the mouseUp to run after the mouseDown script finished, just execute

get flushEvents("mouseUp")

This is not always a good solution and I tend to avoid it.




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Op 15-mei-2007, om 22:44 heeft David Bovill het volgende geschreven:

You have a field with a contextual menu - so when you control-click on the field a popup menu apears (called in a mouseDown handler). If you do not use
the control key - but simply click the mouseUp handler does something

So how do you prevent the mouseUp handler? Neither exit to top nor the
pending messages seem to help... so I have always set a flag in the menu code and then checked this in the mouseUp code... still is there a better
way to prevent mouseUp messages from being sent?

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