Michael Binder wrote:
Devon Asay wrote:

You might try this and see what happens:

 if the style of this stack is topLevel then -- would only execute
if the stack receiving the shutdownrequest was non-modal.

   if the visible of this stack then -- would ensure shutdownrequest
would only be handled in a visible stack

Hi Devon,
I don't think that is a solution.  The problem with your suggestion
is that "this stack" does not evaluate to "myApp".

Likewise, when I write:  "the short name of this cd", it never
evaluates to the name of the card that the user is quitting from.

Right, that's what Devin's suggestion evaluates -- whether the card or stack that gets the shutdownrequest message is yours or not. If the stack is not a toplevel stack or the stack isn't visible (assuming your standalone mainstack is always visible) then the stack that received the message isn't one you want to handle. You could also check this way:

  if the short name of this stack is the mainstack of this stack then...

which would be true if it's your stack and false if it's not. There are other tests you could devise if you have several stacks you want to respond to.

In any case, you'd only evaluate the data if the stack that is being closed is yours, and you'd just pass the closestackrequest message if it wasn't. For example:

on closeStackRequest
 if the short name of this stack is the mainstack of this stack then
   -- do your data evaluation, it's your stack
 end if
 pass closeStackRequest -- pass it in all cases
end closeStackRequest

I agree that you are probably seeing the effects of a multi-window environment (something HyperCard didn't have.) The stack you are looking at isn't necessarily the first recipient of a system message. (See "defaultstack" in the dictionary; it's a new concept for ex-HyperCarders.) Stacks can be at the front of the message hierarchy even while not being visible, or not being "physically" in front. Using the above technique, you bypass the problem by only responding to the message if the stack that receives it is yours.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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