Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

with item 5 of the detailed files

image M: "May 19", and for image O: "March 4".

This is correct, yes?

With item 4 of the detailed files I get "March 15" for both images, which is apparently the date I transferred the images from my camera to the computer, a value not contained in the EXIF data.

I see that on my Mac sometimes too. It seems to happen when copying a file between volumes (like when you transfered the file from the USB stick.)

On my Mac:  The photo information in "iTunes" reads

for image M: "created" ("aufgenommen" in German): March 4
                  "digitalized": March 4
                  "modified"  : March 4
                  "imported" : May 19

for image O: "created"    :March 4
                  "digitalized": March 4
                  "modified"  : March 4
                  "imported" : May 19

Now the corresponding image information in the "thumbs" stack on the Powerbook:

With item 5 of the detailed files I get "May 19" for image M and "March 4" for image O.

This also looks right to me. Item 5 is the modification date.

With item 4 of the detailed files I get "Jan 18, 2038" for both images!(?); maybe this is an effect of the USB stick? (The date information in the systems folder shows correctly the date of today "May 19".)

Here is the script snippet I use to append the creation date to the image name field under the thumb:
    "put item 5 of line i of tdetfiles into Datum
   convert Datum from dateitems to long date
   put Tab&item 2 to 3 of Datum after fld Feld"

Shouldn't line 2 be "convert Datum from seconds to long date"? Does it work if you change that line?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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