
Here is a simpler version of Sarah method that might help you:
In the card/stack script of the template stack, just insert:

on preopenStack
  if "copy" is in the short name of this stack then
    go invisible to this stack
    <template stack regular preopenStack>
  end if
end preopenStack

Hope this helps.

Le 31 mai 07 à 13:53, Eric Chatonet a écrit :

Bonjour André,

This flicker problem has been solved two years ago by Sarah:

A good trick!

Le 31 mai 07 à 13:27, André.Bisseret a écrit :

In a handler I am cloning a stack, say, « substackModel »
Something like :
lock screen
clone stack "subStackModel"
close stack "copy of subStackModel" -- to minimize the time it is visible
  set the name of stack "copy of subStackModel" to suchName
  set the mainStack of stack suchName to «thisMainStack »
  etc ...
Despites the « lock screen » and the second line which close the new stack as soon as it has been created, the new created stack appears for a while.

Is it possible to do that invisibly  ?

Any advice ?
Thanks a lot in advance

Best regards from Grenoble (surrounded by white moutains for two days now !! :-)))

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

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