On Jun 20, 2007, at 3:34 AM, Stephen Barncard wrote:

watch out for the vague "me" reference and try something more absolute, like the id or name of the object you are calling 'me'. Sometimes getting the id of me or the owner of me works.

What's vague about "me"? As far as I'm concerned, "me" is the only certain way to refer to a specific object: namely the one harboring the script. Putting "the long ID of me" into a variable gives you something you can pass around, for sure, but unless you already know the total path to an object (e.g. button "OK" of grp "response" of card 1 of stack "mydialog") being uncertain of object references is the number one botheration in writing general purpose handlers. "...of this card", "...of this stack", "...of the default stack", or "...of the topstack" are all pigs in pokes.

What I often wish for is the extension of "me" into "my", as in for any control:

my stack
my mainstack
my owner
my card

Currently, only "my owner" can be obtained by using "of me"; all the others require parsing the long name or ID.

If you've tried scripting palettes (where "this stack" refers not to the the palette but to the default stack) you may have adopted the strategy of putting button scripts into the palette's card or stack and using "of me" to refer to controls on the palette itself. How much nicer it would be to put in a button script:

   on mouseup
set the hilite of button "choice2" of grp "choices" of my card to true
   end mouseup

instead of something like

  on mouseup
set the hilite of button "choice2" of grp "choices" of card "xxx" of stack "yyy" to true
  end mouseup

where you have to change xxx and yyy every time you reuse the button in another context, or you might make xxx and yyy globals (ugh!) that you have to set in opencard and openstack (and then forget about when you reuse the button), or go though a rigamarole involving delimiters and/or offsets to parse the long name of "me" to get the cardname and stackname either in the mouseup handler or in a utility function somewhere (that you now have to include in every project, like it or not).

Consider voting for 'bug' 3446 if you agree.

Tereza Snyder
Califex Software, Inc.

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