It's not that complex at all. One stacks calls another, there about 4 levels of call nested, that's about it.

All works fine until I set "alwaysBuffer" to true on the Player, then it crashes!

Here is a stack dump just before I set it true:

field id 1167 of group id 1173 of card id 1002 of stack "/Documents/ Programming/RunRevBase/Projects/HFPA-VW/RunTime/Stacks/ StackHFPAMain.rev",ControlProcessInputQueue,725 field id 1167 of group id 1173 of card id 1002 of stack "/Documents/ Programming/RunRevBase/Projects/HFPA-VW/RunTime/Stacks/ StackHFPAMain.rev",ControlAnalyzeFile,501 field id 1167 of group id 1173 of card id 1002 of stack "/Documents/ Programming/RunRevBase/Projects/HFPA-VW/RunTime/Stacks/ StackHFPAMain.rev",ControlGenerateResults,393 stack "/Documents/Programming/RunRevBase/Projects/HFPA-VW/RunTime/ Stacks/LibPDF.rev",PDFGenerateResultsFile,839 stack "/Documents/Programming/RunRevBase/Projects/HFPA-VW/RunTime/ Stacks/LibPDF.rev",PDFGenerateResultsDetailPages,613 field id 1035 of card id 1002 of stack "/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.8.1-gm-2/Toolset/revmessagebox.rev",returnInField,5 field id 1035 of card id 1002 of stack "/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.8.1-gm-2/Toolset/revmessagebox.rev",revExecuteMessage,324 stack "/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.8.1-gm-2/Toolset/ revmessagebox.rev",revDebugDoMessage,261 stack "/Documents/Programming/RunRevBase/Projects/HFPA-VW/RunTime/ Stacks/LibPDF.rev",PDFGenerateResultsDetailPages,260

All the Best

On 22 Jun 2007, at 15:41, chris bohnert wrote:

Hi Dave,

Deep helps;-)

Tiemo was saying that your case is pretty clearly an issue of the unintended consequences of different parts of code interacting. Asking for someone to
look at the code most likely won't reveal the bug because they have no
context for the other interactions that are taking place in your code.

I realize you must have a very complex set of interactions, but is there any way to remove some of them and then start adding them back in until you find the one that triggers the combination with alwaysBuffer to cause the crash?

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