On Jul 2, 2007, at 9:48 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

Mark, got it thanks!

btw... poking around your web site.... does your multi-media presentation
tool box do the two screen thing? ala PowerPoint and KeyNote where
the projector plugged into the external monitor (monitor 2)
automatically defaults becoming is the primary screen for the viewing
audience  and on the actual CPU  internal screen, running the
show there are presentor's notes tied to the slide that appears
in the external window (projector....)

I'm thinking this can be done now with Rev 2 monitor support, but
would need to be built from the ground up...

Unfortunately not. I opened sourced that code though if you are interested in playing around with it. Let me know and I'll send it to you.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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