Hello everyone,

Could anybody please confirm this : (perhaps this is a known issue, please forgive me then)

- when calling a Pdf file from my HD (and probably from the internet too) and you've got Adobe's PdfViewer plugin installed, revBrowser will open an ask file window - I first assumed it had something to do with the internet plugins installed on my Mac (and I was right afterwards) - when choosing a plugin from the opened "ask file window", revBrowser seems to do nothing....

I disabled Adobe's plugin, and voilĂ , revBrowser loaded the file ; I know revBrowser depends on Safari.

The problem is to know if a user has installed Adobe's plugin in order to work with a Rev app. Could one gently ask the user to disable the plugin in order to work or just disabling the plugin temporarily from within the REV app and enabling when quitting (informing the user that one is changing temporarily his settings) ?

Is there an accepted workaround or what do you think ?

I'm on a Mac, PPC, G4 PB ; does revBrowser have the same issues with pdf's on Windows machines ?

Thanks for any comments,

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