Hopefully I'm not just confusing the issue, but weren't "Type 2" externals simply ones that used the special callbacks added in HC 2.0 (for example the external window interface)? Otherwise they were identical IIRC, it's just a matter of which callbacks you could use.

If this were the problem, wouldn't they have failed with Rev 1.0 / 1.1 as well?

Question for Ben - have you tried any of the other XCMDs to see if all of them fail, or just the one?

It's supposed to work but I confess I've never had to try it. I've always been able to convert XCMDs and XFCNs to scripts. The only thing I can think of is that your external may not be the correct type. Support for the XCMD interface in Rev Classic is limited to HyperCard type 1 externals (the very earliest ones.) Externals that are of the "newer" HC type 2 format are not compatible. Type 2 externals are basically any that were written after HC 2.0 was released.
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