
FWIW, Flickr actually *is* written in PHP. They just use browser friendly URLs (which are easily configured with Apache to hide things like ".php" extensions). Cal Henderson, the original lead developer, actually wrote a great book: Building Scalable Web Sites (The Flickr Way) which uses PHP throughout.

Facebook is also written in PHP, and many other large sites. I think you'll find that the language has a huge installed base and will be around quite some time.

With that said, I would focus on what people with similar needs to your are using - and don't assume that you can tell just by visiting their site. If you can't tell what they are using, there is a decent chance it's PHP!

In regards to your html snippet, I would just say that using PHP doesn't mean that you have to run *everything* through PHP. You can most certainly supply links to static content. For example, there is no reason per se to have your privacy policy coming from a PHP file- it might as well just be privacy.html. If you use an off-the-shelf CMS solution, you may find that everything gets tunneled through PHP scripts, but even that is not so bad -- the performance is quite good if properly configured (and/or if you aren't taking on a huge amount of traffic). Either which way, I wouldn't find the snippet you posted alarming - it all really depends on your needs and what kind of data you are going to be displaying on those pages.

Hope that helps and feel free to contact me off-list if you have specific PHP questions that I might be able to help you with.

This is a super blue sky query for comment:

We're interested in possibly outsourcing some web dev. In response to any RFP we might issue we will no doubt get a number of developers using LAMP. I already have one handy.

All his web sites are *.php based (and table based) zero javascript or AJAX.

We are wondering about the future of putting a huge amount of data
into a PHP based web "container"

Anyone have any comments? PHP is alive and well and moving forward...
It is the basis for our wiki (PMwiki)

On the other hand I don't see any in use in many progressive "Web 2.0" sites.
Not a single page at  google or Flickr uses PHP.

If we were, e.g. to take "" from it current "retro" state
(very much in need of a make over) to a new future, I'm concerned that
pouring all that content into LAMP, could throttle any movement forward after that...

Our content is a perfect candidate from offering API's for mashups.
And our "mission statement" would definitely involve taking the wrapper
off the data and making it available.

This kind of code (below) makes me nervous... but I don't know if my gut feeling is simply based on ignorance of the unknown, or if it is a valid intuition that
if we went this direction we would be hobbling our future:

# every single dynamic element involves kicking the PHP can...

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Insights anyone? This is a "no holds barred" discussion: tell it like you see it. if it is felt this should not be exposed on the list, email me off list...
up to you. Though I suspect it would interest many here...


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QLD Learning

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