Just thought I'd share this script that gives a scale scrollbar "detentes" in case it might come in handy to someone.

When the user lets go of the mouse within tSnap increments of tSnapVal, the scrollbar snaps to the tSnapVal value.

ON mouseUp
    put the thumbposition of me into pScrollValue
    snapIt pScrollValue, 768, 100
    snapIt pScrollValue, 1500, 200
    snapIt pScrollValue, 2500, 200
END mouseUp

ON snapIt pScrollValue, tSnapVal, tSnap
    IF abs(pScrollValue - tSnapVal) < tSnap THEN
    set the thumbposition of me to tSnapVal
    END if
END snapIt

I used mouseUp instead of scrollBarDrag because the snapping only happens afterwards and not during the drag, which causes flickering...
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