Hi there,

I am trying to develop an application which only shows buttons with
links to programs on our school PC's and Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
The children are disabled and they don't need Windows at all.

What I do is this:
on mouseUp
  answer files "Which application?:"
  put it into tData
  put "on mouseUp"  & cr & "revGoURL" && "file://" & tData & cr & "end
mouseUp" into fld "path"
  set the script of btn "1" to field "path"
end mouseUp

The result almost works but I am missing "":
on mouseUp
  revGoURL file:///Applications/Burn.app
end mouseUp

I also know I better use "open process" but that is not permitted in
the way I am trying to handle this. In the end I also would like the
application name and icon to appear on the button. I work with RR
2.7.4 on Mac OS X 4.10.

Can anyone advise/help me with this one?



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