For those of you who enjoyed the Mac Mini, this is from today's <>:

   But first, we have the privilege of being able to
   exclusively report on information provided to Mac
   OS Rumors by one of our oldest and most reliable
   sources in Cupertino: the Mac Mini is dead.....
   Long Live the Mac Nano!

   The exact naming and marketing details are not as
   firm in our sources' estimation, since he's not an
   Apple Marketroid(TM)....but the new Mini will be
   as small in the horizontal as an internal optical
   drive will allow, and a little over 2/3 the height.
   Overall volume will be shrunk almost 25%, weight
   by about 20% and an all-new enclosure will be
   strikingly different from the design that has been
   the Mini's defining feature since its introduction.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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