On 16 Oct 2007, at 23:25, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Dave Cragg wrote:
How outlandish is the idea of a full (or reasonably full) Transcript to JavaScript translator? Or a Transcript interpretor written in Javascript? I'd wager $50 that it's impossible. Any takers?

$50 is too low for a sucker bet. :)

Well, it got a response, so that's a start. :-) But gee, I'd pay that for a provable concept, never mind the implementation.

Rev allows so much more than a browser does that it may be a better question to ask: "What do I want to present in a browser?"

I'm not sure that's a valid question. I hate browser based apps, so my answer would be "nothing". But clients/users think different. Some of them want nuclear fusion in the browser.

It's possible (if not desirable) to do a lot in a browser-based app. I'm not sure it would be easy to define a satisfactory subset. But I'd be willing to drop all "local resource access" from my requirements (file, shell, etc.) as browser security stuff would usually disallow this. I'll drop other stuff if you can convince me i don't need it.

Once that subset is defined, one could craft a set of libraries in both Transcript and JavaScript which would facilitate a web port easily enough.

But then I'd be restricted to using a limited set of libraries in Transcript. Seriously, where's the fun in that? :-)


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